Monday, October 15

happy october!

Yikes! It's been two weeks -where have I been!? I've felt productive and busy. I feel like I'm getting alot done and also that there's always something on the burner. I think this is a little how I like October to feel. New beginnings, busy, hitting strides...etc,etc.

Anyhow...what have I been up to?? I've been busy at both jobs. Highlight customer at the cafe: a cute Irish women in her upper 60s. I thought she may be lonesome...come to find out it was coming upon her husbands 8 month of being gone. They had been married for 40 years and she just gushed at how marvelous he was and how much she missed him. Both beautiful and sad. She said even if she'd only of had half the time with him it still would've been worth it. They completed each other. She said she hoped I would have someone even just a fraction of how wonderful her husband was.

On the Studebaker, I've begun revamping the seats. Last weekend I made a trip to the upholstery store. This weekend I took all the old covers off, cleaned all the cotton padding down to the wire seat frames and derusted them. Next I have to rebuild them with foam. I hope I can get the thickness of the padding correct.

Other fun things...I had some people over for strawberry scones, I made a new journal/book, had a shower/celebration for a friend, i'm looking forward to going square dancing in celebration of my birthday, kicked off a human-trafficking project at church, and am reading a really good book (My Name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok).


  1. prepare yourself for how good this book is.
    and...there's another one in the series when you're done.

  2. hmmm a new journal, that's cool. What's it for? :)
