Saturday, July 7

an interesting fact

I dropped by the library earlier today...which I haven't done for awhile (you may notice my booklist is considerably short this year...not that I've really been keeping up with it either...but all in all, my reading is down. In part because I had $30 in library fines and in part because my work takes alot of my brain/mental energies!) The library is so glorious. Libraries in general are - but the Main LA Library is particularly glorious. When I'm in a library I don't think about anything going on in my world - but rather let my mind wander into many interesting nooks and's both mental vacation and exercise :)

Anyhow - today I stumbled across a book entitled "Heroes, Rogues, and Lovers: Testosterone and Behavior." Ever researching about anything having to do with sexuality and also interested into a look at the hormone which is said to govern much of males behaviors...I picked it up. It's both a biological and social study and should be quite interesting.
In the Introduction the author (James Dabbs) was going over some general hormone-related topics and I came across this interesting tidbit...

"Alfalfa and clover produce estrogen. The estrogen helps the plants by acting as a birth-control substance, holding down the population of grazing animals. Alfalfa and clover produce enough estrogen to make sheep and cattle sterile. In Australia, a million sheep each year fail to have lambs because they eat too much clover."(p.18)

Isn't that brilliant! It is just so amazing to me. Our world is so mysterious and interesting - one could never know enough to cease being amazed.

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