Sunday, August 26

boyfriend sighting!

Some years ago, a friend and I began the "imaginary" boyfriend game. A chance to name anyone we chose as our "imaginary boyfriend." And, of course, there can be multiple imaginary boyfriends - but there is a bit of a hierarchy. my first real LA celebrity sighting...who is it but one of my top three imaginary boyfriends!!! (come to think of it...I think the top three are the only three...goes to show I'm picky, but once I choose someone for this esteemed position, there's not much they can do to be imaginarily call me loyal)

So who was it?!? Vince Vaughn of course! Who, for those of you who can't remember, began his stardom with the movie, Swingers.

So this is what happened...I had gone out to see this band I like, the Lucky Stars. I had never heard of this place they were playing at, but it was near my house. It was very hard to find and I almost didn't go in - but I really like the band - so I did. It ended up being this super cool place inside (albiet on a regular night when my "retro" people weren't around, I fear it would be too trendy.) Before the second set came, the club owner came and cleared up a table up front - and I remember thinking maybe it would be for a celebrity, because why else would he be going to the hassle. So then, in walks Vince Vaughn and a few other guys with him. They sit at the table, and Vince Vaugn is facing right where I'm standing! I thought it was him when I first saw him, but it took a few more looks to really make me assured that it really was him.
To my friends large disappointment...I did not say hi to him, or even really try to catch his eye. (You know...I always have to play things off cool!) I think we did look at each other for a brief second, but I was trying not to stare! He ended up going up on stage and singing a song. Which he spent a minute beforehand talking about this country-swing pioneer, Sid King. Which leads me to believe he's playing him in a movie, because why else would he get up and sing a song (he doesn't have the greatest voice...but it wasn't completely awful...but really, how could it be!)
So...that's the exciting news for the weekend from Kristin's life in LA.

Sidenote #1: Speaking of my life in LA...I now have a facebook page and I spent mindless time Saturday morning joining groups and such on facebook. After joining a group entitled "i irrationaly love san francisco" I decided to make a photoalbum on facebook of my favorite SF pictures. After I was done with that, I decided to make another album on "reasons why I'm growing to love LA." As deep as the love I have for SF runs, it was good to contrast that with all the great people, events, places that have been in my life this past year (it's just a few days from my 1 year anniversiary!)

Sidenote #2: Speaking of the retro scene...I think everyone reading this blog knows how into vintage I am...and that all came about because of music and swing dancing. Well...I was just exploring a couple of western-swing/rockabilly websites - and it just amuses me to know that there's people kinda like me all over the world! People who are into this very-early rock and roll music and obsessesed with vintage fashion, cars, etc.!! That's so amusing to me! Not that this is new information or anything - it just makes me laugh when I really think of it. There are clubs all over this world where greaser-types gather together to listen to music and dance!! ha!
Leads me to remember....the time in SF when this Japanese rockabilly chick was visiting and the band had her come up and sing. She sang an Elvis song in perfect English, no accent....but she couldn't actually speak a word of English otherwise. Then of course there was the time in Thailand when I saw the "parade" of about 20 classic American cars rolling down the road in Bangkok. Somehow I think that our world is much smaller then it used to be!

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