Wednesday, March 12

okay, okay

I've been wanting to transition the blog into something sligtly more thought-filled rather then activity-filled. In the midst of that decision, my thoughts and activities have bordered too-much-to-handle. But...I've decided that I need not finish a thought before it is expressed (as my loving roomates of past and best friend have demonstrated time and again...and have urged me to do the same!) So in following my decision, I will attempt to post more frequently--albiet it may be a blib of my day or an unfinished thought, or maybe just a picture.

Speaking of pictures, my art group LA Street Productions (well, not MINE, I do like speaking of things in term of "possession"...but more properly it is the art group I am a part of!)We've decided to take the first steps towards getting a group website and in thus direction we've been encouraged to each make our own blog...mine (still a work in progress) can be found at

Yesterday I enjoyed a day off...
  • sleeping in
  • going to the library &
    • returning books
    • buying an amusing book that I just couldn't refuse (in part because I'm in dire need of good ol'mindless enjoyment reading!)...Lost in Austen: Create Your Own Jane Austen Adventure--a must have for a grown-up 3rd grader who adored the Choose-Your-Own-Adventure series of books (so much so that I've incorporated them into an activity for my sexual education classes!!)
    • looking at the new exhibit in the Getty Gallery (which I always enjoy them so much) of non-cliche' photographs of Paris
  • eating Thai food
  • sketching a particular intersection for an art peice I've been brewing (more of a vision really that I've had a hard time getting on paper via being perspectively challenged.)
Which I must say...I haven't done much sketching in public - really it scares me as it welcomes strangers to see an unfinished peice of work as well as talk to me (God forbid!) But it was an interesting experience last night, sitting tucked on a perch next to a building on a busy corner. A couple people talked to me, mostly giving me stories of their own lost attempts at art--and two 20-year-olds who wanted me to buy them liquor...I think they were somewhat amused by me. Perhaps I'll post my progress of this piece onto my blog, :create:, to further publicize my private process.

In transit to and from the sketching intersection I listened to these nifty pray-as-you-go podcasts I downloaded last week for lent. I know, I'm a little late as we're now more then halfway done with lent. But I've been enjoying the guided thoughts they've induced and I've made myself free-form sketch throughout them (which I really do enjoy but fail to do because I get concerned about outcomes) are a couple I did last week, maybe i'll post more to come.


  1. Darlin' you're an unfinished piece of work! And it's a joy to watch your life unfold. Thanks for sharing your in-process thoughts with the world!

  2. Delurking to say hank you so much for the podcast link. I'm just building my collection. Any other recommendations?
