Sunday, June 15


No, I haven't been in bed all week...I was pretty much well last Saturday night...after a good 5 days of being sick! I even managed a first beach jaunt of the season during the week. Kim and I were both "working"...but we managed to enjoy the sun and good weather as well!
Today Kim graduated from Fuller Seminary with her Masters in Theology. After 2 years of having a talkative roomate and bestfriend in seminary - I almost feel as if I have my own degree via osmosis. And just as she'll be going into a little period for writing projects, I too have been brewing my own writing projects in my head. I've been working on an idea for a column in a car magazine and also feel a push to get that writing done about topics surrounding sexuality that have been brewing...I don't know - but if I wanted to, I really think I could use my sex-ed teacher position as a real advantage in some articles related to sexuality.
Time of course is always an issue. Even with the most low-key schedule that I think I've ever had (a 40 hour work week and only 1 major other commitment) I still have a stack of projects that I just never seem to get to! Priorities...priorities!

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