(aka...the theme from any respectable espionage movie)
The exciting plans I mentioned a couple nights ago were plans to discreetly follow some women we know to be trafficked and see what their nightly round looked like. My friend Bay agreed to accompany me on this 'mission.' We weren't too successful in following them anywhere. But we did observe a few details.
It was also interesting to feel a difference in being with a guy in that atmosphere. All the staff at NightLight are women, for fairly obvious reasons. I kinda liked being with a guy - I'm not sure why though - maybe because I felt more inconspicuous (he's also Thai...so instead of walking around with 3-4 white and Thai women, I was just walking around with 1 Thai-American guy.) That's probably it. But anyhow...if any of you people back home want to volunteer to walk around the 'streetwalking' areas of San Fran with me...I'll be needing some accompaniment ;)
Yesterday was pretty chill. I was lazy in the morning and stayed home and watched the movie story of Dorothy Day of the Catholic Worker movement, called Entertaining Angels. Which is really good. I've read her biography before and she's a really interesting women. She started a non-religous activist with an anger at the church for it's apatheticness towards social issues. Then she came to a point of emptiness and met some Catholics who weren't merely talking about caring for the poor - but were actually interacting with them and helping them. She went on to live her whole life sharing all she had with those in need and being a voice for those who have none. Inspiring and a reminder of what it means to follow Christ's words and example. And also a reminder that no one can set out in 'saving the world' and be successful. If that is their goal, they will always feel irrelevant and behind. But one can set out to follow Christ in their hearts and love people...and in so doing will be used exactly as God wants to. Not to 'save the world' but to be God's hands and feet to those you come in contact with.
Last night was my last night on street outreach. As I was walking the streets and sitting in a strip club I kept thinking of Kim's new favorite Bible verse,
2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, seek my face and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear them from heaven, I will forgive them of their sins and I will heal their land."
There's nothing I can give to these women - but I can humble myself and pray. When confronted with this issue face to face here in Thailand, where it is so big and so out in the open, one is faced with a confrontation that demands an action. Although I'm not moving here to confront it, I plan to confront it none the less. It took me coming over here again to remind me of the immediacy of these issues and the huge population of this earth that is living in situations which are so far less then what God intended for his people and earth.
Well...I guess you've had enough of me editorializing...I only have about 24 hours left in Bangkok - hard to believe its been a month. If you're reading this - thanks. Thanks for enriching my life in so many ways.