Wednesday, February 20

"get well soon"

a conversation with DJ, from my cafe job:
"DJ: so how have you been?
K: hmmm....allright...overwhelmed you could say.
DJ: what does that mean?
K: well - I feel like I've been in constant motion and that I've been unable to do life with the focus and purpose that I like to give it.
DJ: huh. well, get well soon.
K: nice.
DJ: yeah, with the limited information that's the best response I can think of."

Get well soon is a nice thought. It's nice to be able to hopefully say to someone. But for me, if I'm close to a situation, I tend to be almost careless due to my hopefulness up until some breaking point where I begin considering that my best hopes won't be realized when I'm forced to decide either to fight or cut out.

In the midst of being overwhelmed it's hard to gain any clarity. Life is moving along. Small things are building...and then one day you realize you can't hold them all. I'm realizing that today. But the question is, which do I let drop.

These aren't particularly monumental things I'm talking about. They seem fairly like a bunch of run-of-the-mill everday parts of life (or at least what has become my life.) But my gut tells me that in navigating which to water and which to weed out...much will be decided. A quote from a book I recently read...
" you grow older you will discover that the most important things that will happen to you will often come as a result of silly things, as you call them- 'ordinary things' is a better expression. That is the way the world is."
(from The Chosen by Chiam Potok)

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