Tuesday, June 5

the eagle has landed...

It's here, it's here! My Studebaker has finally touched down in So Cal :) :) :)

A couple of months back I found a shop just a few miles from my work that specializes in Studebakers. The guys there are so nice. And obviously know what they're doing and love it.

I know I either have to get the Studebaker to run or send it off to a new home - so I buckled down and made a budget. Found someone to get it here. And wha-la! It arrived Monday afternoon. I can't tell you how exciting it was to see it sitting in the shop. I felt like a little kid coming down to the Christmas tree on Christmas morning. A mix of excitement, awe, and mystery.

Nothing is known yet. I'll be spending some time at the shop on Thursday, hopefully they'll have gotten a start on it by then. More news to follow...

On other fronts -

School is almost out for the summer, which means I'll have no kids to teach(I was dreading this, but now I'm looking forward to it.) Yesterday I ended one of my classes, and next week I'll be ending the other two. It's sad to say goodbye to them...I only have the students for 10 weeks, but they still become my kids of sorts. Since I've done 3 of the 4 science classes at this one particular middle school...I'm becoming quite well known. It's a little embarrassing when they call out "Hey sex lady" in front of school...but I have to laugh (I work for a clinic but go into schools and teach sex education for those who aren't clued into this fact...if you didn't know, the past sentence would sound VERY odd!)

Oh...and I never blogged it, but I was home the weekend before last. It was a really nice, low-key visit. I really needed some open brain space...and I didn't (almost) think about anything while I was there. And I realized...I frequently cook alot when I go home now. I realized recently that I hadn't make anything special for awhile and I think it's part budget and part small kitchen - but when I'm at Ma and Pa's neither of those things is a constraint :) It was delicious, I tried out some recipes that we saw on a Paula Dean show (one of Mom and Dad's regular watched shows...it's pretty cute.) Other then cooking I got to chill with my mom, my nephews, my brothers, my dad...and finish a piece of artwork that I started this summer. It's too big to bring here though - which is too bad because I could use it for this upcoming art show.

Which speaking of, I've blogged alot lately about art stuff...and I have been doing more art. But still not as much as I'd like to. Why is it so hard to find time to paint!? Space is another issue. Anyhow though, complaining aside, it's been great to get more involved with art and also the art group, LA Street Productions. There's a student show opening up this Friday, which will be some work to get up...it's student's from the local high school, we sponsor the show and give out 2 scholarships.

Other then that, the last exciting news to tell is that my statistics class is done! It's been a lot of extra stress on me this past month. The final was last Saturday and I could barely do any studying for it because my brain was just dead. I really couldn't get my head in the game until the final exam. I got the grades back today, and I did pretty good still. Good riddens.

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