Monday, June 18


So evidently nothing is wrong with 'the pup.' My mechanic said she started right up and ran just fine. He's going to drive her some more tomorrow. I'll stop by Wednesday and take her for a drive too. Then I'm going to be gone for a few days - so hopefully she can play at the shop for awhile longer!

I've felt too unsure to get super excited during this whole process. But, it is a practice of my patience and flexibility. Which this just goes along with my life in general right now...if my life were a book, this chapter would be called "Limbo."

Today I threw a pizza party for some of my 7th grade was great. I also added up my attendance numbers...and I surpassed my goals by far...I've taught over 600 students since January! It feels like a good accomplishment. Now when I walk around school, lots of students say hi Ms. ___!

I also got some painting done this evening. I hadn't used oils for a long time and decided to pull them out, it was very enjoyable. I didn't feel the rushed pressure of using acrylics. And I tried/discovered some new tricks.

1 comment:

  1. ---

    i want a pizza party, and i'm patient too. congrats on being a real life teacher of things.

    oh yeah, the other day i did a water color, and of course it was on cardboard with a notepad piece of paper over it, so that it dried all weird...but i guess that's the learning curve innit?

