Tuesday, October 10

Such full days! I was just getting ready to go to sleep and wanted to talk here. Besides any feelings of homesickness or whatnot since moving to LA, it's just been so overwhelmingly obvious that this is where I'm supposed to be. And as I get ready to go to sleep, I'm happy with that thought.
I recently read this book called "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. In it this sheperd boy ends up going to different countries and having all these crazy experiences all because he was searching after this dream he had. I knew when I read it that the timing was serendipitous...because in a sense I feel a little like that sheperd boy. As scary as it was for him to step out, he did it and was glad for it. Not everything is perfect or easy - but I know this is where I'm meant to be...and there I am happy.
On the news front:
*I possibly got an 'in' at the hospital by my house today! Pray that it may turn into a job!
*I get to see my neices this weekend! Yay! I'm very happy about being fairly close to them.
*my goal for the week: to get all my PA applications completed
*Biggest questions of the moment: 1.)Do I even have a chance at getting into a PA program this time around? 2.)How to raise money for NightLight in Bangkok? They're having to turn away women who want to get out of prostitution but need an alternative source of income. 3.)...much less serious, Will I get my haircut on Thursday? I hope so.

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