Wednesday, November 22

workin' 9 to 5'...

I've spent the past three days at my new job! It's been so great! I'm amazed that I get paid for this - this is stuff I would do in the free time that I don't have! ------------->ready for my first day

I arrived Monday morning at my job and spent a little bit of time filling out some papers and being shown around the clinic. Then I was shown my office (that's right...MY office!) and directed towards a few things in it regarding the program and cirriculum I'll be using to teach...then I was just let loose. And so most of Monday and Tuesday was spent going through everything in my office and orienting myself slightly and also organizing and cleaning it. Today I got to begin really digging into the cirriculum and what I'm supposed to teach. I started planning out my first lesson.

It's so fun going to work at a clinic, into my own office, and basically being my own boss (sort of) and making decisions about what I want to do and how to most effectively communicate to teens about sex ed topics. I won't actually be in the classroom, probably until January. But then I'll be really busy, teaching in schools 5 periods per day, 4 days a week. Two junior high and two high schools. On Tuesday I went and met one of the high school teachers, it's actually kind of a new contact - we haven't been in that school for a few years.
in my office ;)

On another topic, Debbie, my mentor from SF,was in town for the holidays and got to stop by mi casa - which was fantastic to have her see a slice of my life here. But anyhow, we went to this place for dinner that I had rode past on my bike a few times. The food was good - but the music was amazing. There was un gringo singing in spanish, traditional Spanish songs along with his guitar. I bought his $8 CD and it's quite a work of art. I'm just reading his 32-page booklet now that came along with the CD and has some of his story...seems very interesting. I will definately go back and try to hear him again and talk to him about his story. If ya'll come visit - I will be glad to take you too!

And thankful Thanksgivings to all! I am very thankful for the wonderful and lovely people I have in my life and the beautiful things I've seen of humanity and the world. And that I'll be joining my entire family on Friday for a "day-after-Thanksgiving-Thanksgiving!"

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