Sunday, March 18

so many things to little time to say it...

I've been slacking lately on my blog - but there's so much I want to say! This week it seems I had much to say, but my phone and internet went down at the house which kinda puts a damper on blogging...somehow I just don't feel in the right space while I'm at work!
Speaking of work....this past Monday I got my first ever official business cards! It's so exciting! I'm officially grown up! It seems somewhat odd to say that at my ripe age I'm just now getting business cards for the first time.
I really have been loving my work the past few bits. It may not pay much - but I really do think it's very important, worthwhile work. While I awknowledge that the ability to choose what sort of work one does is a priveledge of the affluence I live in - I really believe that people should find joy and meaning in whatever sort of work they do.
I've been completing my first round of classes...and it's just so neat to see my students learn so much and to be more intelligent and thoughtful then they were when we started. On Wednesday I said so long to my first completed class of 7th graders and next Tuesday I'll have to say goodbye to my beloved 9th graders!
It's nice coming up on my second round, it's giving me some chances to try out a few more methods with some new classes I'm starting, and they've gone really well so far. Such as this past illustrate the way media affects us all, I wore a vintage outfit myself, but also brought some outdated clothes for the students to model. They had alot of fun with it, and I really think it demonstrated for them that they personally are affected by media.
On a different front...I'm in Las Vegas this weekend. Kim was coming over here for her brother's I hitched a ride. It's been nice to hang out with family. It feels good to be able to come home for the weekend!

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