Wednesday, January 17

musings of the day...

So I was researching at work today and came across the little nugget that "in the United States in 1918, Margaret Sanger was arrested for distribuiting the first form of female-controlled contraception - a diaphragm of balvanized rubber." Crazy?! Looking further into who this person was, I came to find out she was a head figure for the birth control movement and she founded Planned Parenthood clinics. I also found out that it wasn't until 1965 that the last state lifted it's law which probhibited even married couples to use contraception!

Not 90 years ago (which depending how you look at it could be a really long time or merely a blink of the eye) the notion of birth control was completely subversive. It's just so interesting to me! On one hand I'm confused that our society at large had such a view of contraception...and on the other hand I'm confused of how we've ended up where we are today. I can't help but wonder what the real thought processes going on back then were. Was it purely because of the church that people thought sex was only for procreation? Something in me guesses it wasn't. How were people truly thinking? What are the influences that were going into their ideas about sex, sexuality, and women's roles in it? mind is abuzz...I'll be adding to my library list this week!

If anyone's interested...LIFE included Margaret Sanger as on of this centuries 100 most important people. It can be found here: Albert Einstein was rated the MOST important person of our century. On one hand, people are still trying to wrap their minds around his findings and on the other it seems like he must have lived centuries ago...but he didn't...he died in 1955 at the age of 76. It's amazing how much a public figure he became and how compassionate he was in his thinking towards humanity (somewhat opposing the stereotypical detached scientist.) I read that his son taught at Berkeley...gee, how's that for being inadequate...can you imagine being the son of Albert Einstein???

On a more personal front...I got to go up to SF this past weekend. It was awesome! I got to catch up with the Campbell Street Girls, Jason, Scotty, good people. Even more then when I was there in September...I know I don't belong there anymore - as much as I love it and am familiar with it. It's an odd feeling. It was fantastic to stay with the Sojourners...I feel so lucky to be connected with them. They're truely a people seeking after God, actively pursuing Him. I felt very lucky to have all my SF peeps in my life - particularly the CG girls, Debbie, and Jason....I love you guys!

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