Sunday, January 8

Thank goodness I didn't have to work today! Ah, it was such a relief. Just one 24 hour shift to go and then I'm off for a month!
My mom's visiting on her way through to see my Grandpa. She got here this afternoon and tonight we went to see The Chronicles of Narnia. There are many things that I could say about the movie, but rather it's a comment I heard while exiting the theater that has me thinking the most. I heard the couple behind me speculating about the different charachters in the movie and their religous counterpart and then came the comment, "Yeah I read the books when I was young. When you're young you don't make the correlations. You don't realize what blatant propaganda it is from the religous right."
My first intstinct when I heard that said was the reminder of "oh yeah, I live in San Francisco." It's a city where PC reigns and a 'come as you are,' all accepting vibe exudes - however, I have never been anywhere else where Christianity is so horrified and mocked. There seems to be this notion that pigeon-holes all of Christianity into everything that is hated about the religous right...I hate that!
Secondly, view the making of The Chronicles of Narnia into a movie as you may - propaganda or not. But don't stab the thing for propaganda to make yourself feel cultured when you don't know any of it's background and when you blindly accept so many other lies that movies and media hold. The Chronicles of Narnia happened to be written by a genius who was in no way part of the stereotyped fundamentalist religous right. And if anyone knew anything about it, they would know that Lewis wrote them as children's stories for his own dear ones - the story wasn't intially created to be published. It was created to cultivate imagination and ends up showing some hard things in a way a child might be able to comprehend as well as creating noble hero/heroines worthy of looking up to.
So there's my short rant. I think though that hearing that comment only reinforces something I was thinking of in the movie and feel pushed toward myself. Christianity doesn't need to be needs to be lived. Can I hear an 'Amen!'

4 days and counting :)

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